Sunday, April 15, 2007

Still no internet at the house. Hopefully this week. We live in a brand new city/region here in Kuwait. Cross your fingers that we have it by the weekend.

I will be heading to Dubai soon and hope to have some picts up of that trip once I get back. I am heading there for the Dubai International softball tourney. Should be a good time. If you are like my mom and super into stamps then drop me an e-mail to ensure you get a postcard sent to you.

Weather here has been pretty crazy of late. We have had varying temperatures. It even hailed the other day while we were heading home from Kuwait City. It was so heavy that we had to, like all the other cars, pull under an overpass and wait it out. Also it was so dusty the other day that when it rained it rained mud. It is one crazy thing to see if you have never experienced it before. Today it is sunny once again and the temps are just right for running around. Soon it will get extremely warm. Like around 120’s, Fahrenheit, each day or hotter.

Hope to know more on our trip back stateside in the next week or so.

Right now we are just opening all the boxes of the household items we shipped to ourselves. We got them this weekend. We shipped them a bit late from the west coast.

The cat is adjusting well and seems quite happy. She has a much bigger house to run around in and explore.

Well I guess that’s all the news that’s fit to print. Take care all and keep in touch.

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