Saturday, January 06, 2007

Well the holidays are over and now its time to get back to work.

Over the weekend we watched a lot of TV. One movie we did see was A Night in the Museum with Ben Stiller and Robin Williams. Not an overly great movie but fun. Also we have been downloading, from iTunes, the Heroes TV show episodes. Really, really enjoying them thus far. One hell of a television show. Probably the best I have seen in a long time. Also we are watching on disc the television show Invasion which is pretty good.

Softball starts here fairly soon which I am excited about. I hope my body holds out. My other knee is now bothering me a little. We’ll just have to see how she handles it. Can’t wait to swing the new bat though. Have read so many reviews on it.

Weather here is still cold. Not as bad as a couple of weekends ago though. They say it will start to get real hot again in a month and a half or so. The real pain if you do not have a car cover here is when it sprinkles out and then the dust settles on the car.

One super cool thing here so far is the sunsets. They are just incredible. With the sand in the air it looks red and watching it go down over the dunes is spectacular. The moon is quite impressive here as well. Very very red at times.

The new mall here opens soon. The place is incredible in size and dwarfs any mall I have ever been to anywhere in the world. They say it will have around 30+ restaurants inside as well as every store imaginable. Should be pretty cool. Only store open there thus far is the Ikea, which they say is one of the biggest in the world. Right now they have a large mural ad wall around the whole thing that is like a kilometer in length. They have asked for Guinness World Records to list it as the largest ad wall mural ever.

I have been experimenting with recipes lately now that I have some better stores at my disposal. The latest creation was a breakfast risotto with parmesan cheese, white cheddar cheese, bacon and served with an egg over easy on top. Super rich tasting and very filling. Give it a try.

Well that’s it for now. Take care and keep in touch everyone.

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