Thursday, November 29, 2007

Freezing cold today. It is definitely jacket weather once again. I even had to turn on the heat in the car today. The mornings come close to zero Celsius during winter here.

This weekend we are having some military folks over for an EOD operations planning meeting as well as to enjoy some food. Should be a good time.

Still working out the kinks but looks like no matter what we are going to Jordan for New Years. they have alcohol there and even make there own beer and wine in country. We will see some desert castles, Petra and many other cool ancient sites. Pictures will be posted here upon our return as well as on my myspace page.

This weekend we should be getting our tree and putting it up. So send me, I mean us, presents to place under the tree.

Merry Christmas all!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Amman, Jordan is one of the oldest continually inhabited cities in the world and is where we may go for a long weekend if Benjaneer comes to visit us.
Well my apologies for having not posted in a few weeks. We have been knee deep in moving our household. We now reside in a villa with Devin & Tera Noel, also from Kwajalein. Although Tera will be following soon as she takes care of some stuff state side first.

Work has been busy as of late as I am teaching a month long school starting in January. Lots and lots of power point presentations!

Also we are hoping that Benjaneer will be coming to visit for New Year here. If he does we think we will be going for a 4-5 day weekend to Jordan and see Petra. For those not in the know that is the cave temple type place from Indian Jones and the Last Crusade. They also have a collusium and many other neat things to see and experience. The dead sea may be a bit too cold to play in though.

Weather is chilling off fast and they say in the morning next week it could dip to under zero celsius. Thursday we get our first rain in almost 6 months or more.

Well thats all the news thats fit to print for now. Cheers all.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Here is a house we would be interested in if we could buy right now as opposed to next fall. Nice English Tudor built in 1927 on a wooded lot. Price is $497,000.

Today in Kuwait......this morning the radio said it was 56 Farenheit outside. Looks like we are moving into the colder season here. Workwise I spent the day in the desert doing a recon on a piece of ordnance. Tomorrow we go back to dispose of it. Right now it is 5:10 PM and Heather is still at work. I am just about ready to cook dinner so it is hot and on the table once my little princess arrives home.

Well that's it for today. Check back again later for more exciting news.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Anyone who buys me this for X-mas is my new instant favorite! Cars I am looking at for when I get back to the states include the Porsche Carrera, Maserati GT (seen above) and the Project Eagle Lotus, coming next summer to the car shows.

I have sold my Porsche so we can put more money away for the house which we hope to get next fall in Colorado Springs. See below. So now I am back in dream mode.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season!!!!! Cheers.